
Six great promotional ideas for Training Providers

If you are a Training Provider, you will have got wind of the new National Standards for VET Marketing which bans unethical inducements to prospective students.  While most RTO's were never involved in such "shonky" practices, it does provide an excellent opportunity for Providers to reflect and re-think their methods for finding, engaging and signing up prospective students.

With several clients in the Training industry, we thought we would share a few ideas with you.

Social Media Marketing
Correct use of Social Media can be highly effective both in the short and long term, but which platform is best for your business?  The answer to that depends on a few factors, firstly whether you are marketing towards Employers looking to invest in their staff or to sign up individuals wishing to further their career options.  Another major factor is the industry in which your training is mostly applied to, for example technical and Engineering type fields do well on Twitter where as service related tend to be more effective on Facebook.  Keep in mind the other major platforms like Linkedin, Youtube, Pinterest and Instagram, these all have their place within the training industry. The main objective of using Social Media is to engage and inform your prospective client, the key being to demonstrate that you are interested in them and would like to help.  To be successful at Social Media Marketing, you need to find the right platform and followers, then be consistent with your posting while networking and helping others.

Online Advertising
Have you ever Googled something then found relevant ads appearing for the next week or so? Creepy isn't it, how do they know what your are thinking?  Don't worry Google isn't reading your mind but it is tracking what you are searching for, thus likely to purchase soon.  This advertising is highly effective when done properly as it targets those who are already looking for your type of product/service and keeps your name in their minds eye, hopefully until they make their purchase.

Email Marketing and Newsletter Campaigns
Contrary to popular belief, this method is certainly not dead.  Done correctly and legally, email marketing can be extremely effective.  There are several platforms which can help you compile relevant lists, allow for unsubscribers, create attractive designs and provide analytics.  Similar to Social Media marketing, email marketing must inform and engage your potential client, not just sell to them.  The kind of subjects we would suggest are tips for finding employment, performing in interviews, finding the right training provider/course, introducing staff, congratulating graduates, new courses, industry stories and heads up on "Early Bird" discounts.  Genuinely give them a reason to open and keep reading your newsletter.

Having a booth at a Tradeshow, which is a good fit for your business and staffed with the right people can provide you with excellent exposure and networking opportunities.  Look for the type of event that your potential clients are likely to visit like Oil and Gas, IT, Hospitality etc., then plan accordingly to target this market.

Internal Events and and Workplace visits
Think about ways that you can connect with and inform potential clients in person.   Free career advice sessions or Open Days could bring people in who would then be able to talk to your staff in a relaxed, no pressure setting.  Another option is organising a group to visit a workplace where they can get a real taste for the kinds of careers which your training could open up for them.

Revisit your Website
How long has it been since you had a good look at your website?  Have you viewed it on a mobile phone?  The web has changed dramatically in the last few years with 50% of visits now coming from a mobile device. Visitors expect the information to be up to date, easily found and sign up on the spot while they are keen.  Sorry a simple email enquiry form is no longer enough, while they are waiting for your reply they may have signed up with your competition or lost interest completely.   Giving visitors an easy way to share your material through "share buttons" is also a great way to encourage others spread the word for you.  To assist with SEO, we suggest your site is Mobile Friendly and kept fresh with integrated feeds from your Social Media channels.

We hope this has given you a few ideas to kick start your new marketing plan.  You can also Download our FREE ebook - 
Easy Digital Marketing Strategies To Help Your Business Grow

Askew's Marketing Services include:
Social Media, Adwords Campaigns, Content MarketingEvent TechnologyBooth Buddy, Graphic Design and Print.

Sue Whittaker
Need a little help with your marketing and events?
Please feel free to drop by Askew Vision.

Askew Vision is a Reseller/Affiliate of:
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Poken Green Event Technology
Crazy Domains
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