
What makes a good exhibitor?


So you've decided to have an exhibitors booth, and the lead up to the big day is both exciting and terrifying with a little chaos thrown in for good measure.

But the day arrives, your booth is setup and the doors have opened for the public, and you soon realise that manning an exhibitors booth can be exhausting and boring.

So we have some tips for you to survive the exhibition booth madness and get the most out of it.
  • arrange for each person to have a break regularly. Even if its just to wander around and look at other booths for 5 minutes.
  • stay on your feet. You look more approachable if you're moving about.
  • make eye contact and smile, as people as they walk past your booth. You'll be surprised how many will then stop.
  • don't pounce... one person only should casually approach an interested person.
  • if you need to check your phone messages or emails, try do do this in your breaks.
  • don't hide behind the desk. Stand in front, even step out of the booth a little.

Andy Kahle
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