
I found the secret on how to do it ALL


There is a certain level of expectation in today's business that you should be able to handle it all. But by doing so, are you spreading yourself too thin?

Of course you know how to update your blog, make a few tweets and put a new product into your online shop. But by spending so much time on this stuff, are you compromising your business.

Outsourcing used to be a dirty word in business, but that's only because the smart people don't want you to know how they find the time to get so much done. 

Here's the Secret.... 

  1. Step away from the computer. Turn off the phone. Grab a pen and paper and go find a really nice peaceful location to sit where you won't be interrupted.
    nice isn't it?
  2. make a list of what you don't have to yourself.
  3. make a list of what you will do with all the spare time.
  4. Take another moment to enjoy the serenity before you start delegating.
  5. A few to get you started
  • someone else to post and monitor all your social media can give you anything from an extra 4 hours a week. And as a bonus, with regular posts and monitoring it can become more effective.
  • Google Adwords campaign and Google Analytics can be reviewed and tweeked by someone else, providing you with a quick summary once a fortnight. This can save you as much as 2 hours a week per campaign.
  • Website updates can be cumbersome but and hour a week spent on SEO or updates can increase your ranking.
I just found you a whole day. What will you be doing with it?

Download our FREE ebook - Easy Digital Marketing Strategies To Help Your Business Grow


By Andy Kahle
Digital Marketing and Graphic Design

Askew Vision

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