
Quick Tips (and some Epic Fails) for Great Domain Names

Remember when back in the way olden days, when the internet first came out and you had to get a domain name so people could find you?

Well, OK, so you do still have to get a domain name.There's no new magical trick to avoid this. But, the rules used to be that the domain had to "directly represent the registered business name". So we ended up with a lot of weird abbreviations that didn't really mean anything except to the domain registrar.

But now all the best SEO experts tell you that you get better search engine ranking if your domain name has keywords in it. And the registrars now allow you to register a domain name that represents your product or service as long as it's not a proper noun.

Quick Tips for Great Domain Names

  • keep it simple and easy to say and spell
  • try to keep it similar to your product or company name
  • don't use hyphens simply because they're too hard to say
  • keep it short to avoid typos and so it fit on small adverts
  • check online who is using similar domains and make sure it's not porn..
  • domains are NOT case sensitive, so don't be afraid to write it with capitals so individual words stand out... eg:
  • the www is not required when a website is setup correctly.
  • when using initials, say it as a word to make sure it's ok


  • = IT Scrap
  • = Who Represents
  • = Pen Island
  • = Experts Exchange
  • = Speed Of Art

    And don't forget the extension when looking into the domain name, as even Budget found out.
  • = Budget (Cook Islands)

You can start your no pressure searching for the right domain at


By Andy Kahle
This blog article has been inspired by my to add a little humor into our work environment.

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