Once upon a time, back in the olden days when you wanted the latest news you'd buy the newspaper. Either the morning edition or the afternoon edition.
I still remember riding the train to work and the young boy walking up an down the platform singing "Daily Nee-oooowwws Paaayyyypa".
Now we ride the train to work and everyone is getting the latest news on their phone via Twitter.... or blog, or facebook, or linked in, or instagram ...
Enter stage left ...
Rebel Mouse is the first All-In-One Social, Publishing and Advertising platform. Well, that's their claim. I have seen some other sites that offer a very similar platform, but so far Rebel Mouse seems to provide the most versatile integration.What does this mouse do?
Rebel Mouse is just like the old fashioned newspaper. It collects feeds from all your social medias as well as social medias you like to follow and share, and puts them all together on the one page. No, not as a huge long list, if that's what you're thinking, but as a well structured newspaper page which you have full control over how it looks and what gets posted. You can even have additional pages with links to other Rebels, links to websites or alternative feeds using hash tags.How do people see my Rebel page?

- Embed the page into your own website and use is as your "latest news" page.
- Create your own news URL, and link it direct to your Rebel Mouse page.
- Share your page through all social media
- Encourage people to sign up for regular updates via email
- Use MailChimp to email out pages as a customised newsletter or setup auto-generated email newsletters and RSS feed.
- Give Shout Outs to people via @reply when their content is featured
How do I know if it's working?
Like all good social media, it's only as good as people think it is. If no one is watching, then why put in the effort ... right? Rebel Mouse is ahead of the game in this respect. They're not just providing statistics on page interaction like standard analytics packages, they tag and track at the content-item level so you can gain insight into what posts specifically are performing best.They also have auto content trending alerts to let you know which content is about to go viral and which contributors and editors are most effective at driving traffic to your page. Plus they fully integrate with 3rd-party solutions such as Google Analytics, Omniture and Doubleclick to provide you with a complete view of your audience and conversions.
Is that it?
Of course that's not all there is to this cool platform, but I'm not actually a reseller or agent, so I'll leave you to have a play with the platform yourself and make up your own mind.Oh, and did I tell you that you can use this platform absolutely FREE?
by Andy Kahle - andy@askewvision.com.au
This blog article has be inspired by total coolness of Rebel Mouse, without any kickbacks, discounts, agent fees or personal promotion requests from the inventors themselves. We personally just love the concept, and wanted to share.