
How to use Twitter to promote your event

Twitter is a very much an "in the moment" social media platform, in fact they say the life of a tweet is only 18 minutes!

It offers a great way to bring a group of strangers together and get them to talk about the same subject, one that you drive.

Here are a few quick tips to help you get the most out of Twitter for your next event.

Have a Twitter Profile
It might sound basic but yes open a Twitter profile for your event or organisation, login and tweet regularly, build your audience by talking about your event and related news, following relevant profiles and thanking people for following you,

Establish a #Hashtag for the event
A hashtag is a way for people to search for and share information on one subject.  You don't have to register it anywhere, just decide what you want to use and let everyone know.  Most events use the acronym followed by the year Eg ABCfest2014.  Note: Before deciding on a hashtag, do a few searches to make sure that it isn't already being used for something else (especially something inappropriate).  Once determined, publicise the hashtag everywhere possible and use it in all your tweets.

Caring and Sharing
Encourage exhibitors, presenters and delegates to follow you on Twitter by including a link on your website, email and all publications.  Follow them back and thank them for following you.  Tweet out promotions for exhibitors who have Twitter accounts eg. "Great to hear @AskewVision will be exhibiting at #ABCexpo2014, can't wait to see what they have to offer"

At least a month prior, during and in the weeks following the event, regularly monitor the event hastag and retweet any appropriate relevant posts.  Thank people who retweet and mention you.

During the event
Regularly tweet and retweet relevant posts.  This will expand your audience outside the event venue and provide you with a larger following for next time.  Tweet quotes from speakers, images of exhibitors, what is happening next etc.
Encourage others to tweet about the event using the hashtag, monitor and retweet any posts that will engage, entertain or educate your audience.  Have regular announcements asking people to now tweet about the event, the presentation they just attended or anything interesting they have found.  Yes even the food!

After the event
You have created a great audience for your next event so don't stop tweeting at bump out!  Continue to ask people to share about the event, retweet anything relevant, follow back your new followers. thank people and continue to share information. Start talking about next time.

In closing
Yes, Social Media is free but like any form of promotion if not done properly it will be a waste of everyone's time, or even worse a PR disaster.  You may like to consider removing the hassle and spending a small part of the promotional budget on engaging Social Media Concierge to manage it for you.

Sue Whittaker
Askew Vision / Poken Australia
Event Technology and Marketing Solutions

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