
A Women's Day Story - Inspiring Change

The theme for International Women's Day 2014 is "Inspiring Change".  That got me to thinking (all be it at 3am) how relevant the theme is for Andy Kahle's and my business Askew Vision.

The change, how it began
Andy and I both had our own businesses but shared many clients and ideas.  We'd thought a few times about combining forces but it never really went beyond that, we were both happy doing our own thing and bouncing ideas off each other.  A health crisis for Andy in 2010 brought us closer together and provided the realisation that perhaps it's good to have another person to help out, especially through challenging times.  As Andy gradually returned to health she came across an interesting business card alternative called Poken, and as she had done thousands of times before, sent the link to me saying "This looks cool".  I looked into the concept further, realising the potential for connecting people's real world to their online world.  So I casually emailed back to Andy, "Hey you're right, this is way cool, Aussies would love it but they have no distributor here, perhaps I should email and enquire, then we can start our own company and promote together?" and so the Askew Vision journey began....

Products that inspire change
The thing we loved about Poken was how it changed the way people interacted.  At events, we could see how easily the ice is broken as people asked "Have I poken'd with you?",  touch their Pokens together, have a little laugh and start a conversation.  Poken also means that people aren't collecting and lugging around bags or brochures at tradeshows, all information is collected on the little device around their neck, keeping their hands free for interacting, eating, shaking hands etc.
Witnessing our first Poken event, we realised that busy Organisers had a lot on their plate in the lead up and during the event and perhaps there were other services which could offer to make their jobs easier.  So we began to research and add to our range including skills we already had such as Social Media, marketing, graphic design, websites, phone apps, SEO, QR Codes to name a few.  All of these products change the way we do business and the way people connect.

Changing the way business is done
If you have met Andy and I you will probably have noticed that we aren't the most "corporate" business people, while keeping a professional edge when necessary, we do like to enjoy ourselves, have a laugh and not take things too seriously.  We coined the phrase "Bare Foot Business Women" one day when we met up to go through important company decisions yet were both sitting there with no shoes on.  We are both lets muck in and get it sorted type people and have surprised event Organisers with our willingness to clear rubbish, cut millions of pieces of string or do whatever is needed on the day to help them get through. As we grow and employ others, we have decided that the "muck in" and get it done culture will continue. No Princesses allowed....

Sue Whittaker

Oh, and we promise to wear shoes....

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