
Are you Living up to Your Eulogy?

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This morning I browsed through a long list of blog ideas looking for inspiration. While this list had obviously been created by someone who had been staring at that blinking curser for too long, one idea did intrigue me.

"Write the eulogy you aspire to be read at your funeral."

That's not something I would like to write, although it did make me ponder what whoever was charged with the task, would say about me. Would they comment on how hard I work to make my business a success? How many hours I spend promoting my skills, doing quotes, going to meetings, offering advice and creating? Considering that most of my day is dedicated to running and promoting my own small business I would like to think they would. But deep  down in my gut, I know they are more likely to say that "she lived her life to the full, never letting the opportunity to try new things pass her by."

I'd like to say, the moral of this story is to forget about spending the majority of your life working yourself into grey hair and a coffee addiction. Just go out and live life to the full. Unfortunately, the reality of living life requires us to keep working, and as a small business, that means I'm still tied to my computer for most of the week writing, promoting and creating.

So if I can't change what is said about me in my eulogy, what can I learn from it? Before it's actually read out.

1. Find a rich benefactor to fund my thirst for the crazy
2. Win lotto
3. Rob a bank and go on the run
4. Sell one of my artistic creations for millions
5. Even up my play and work time
6. Combine my work and my passion

There's really only two practical options available, and I think I've nailed them.


Andy Kahle is available for motivational speaking at your next networking event, club function or event. 


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3:09 pm, February 23, 2016 delete

Funny I need to nail number 2 LOL
